An Island Filled With Natural Phenomena!

Hi, Friends and Family!

On Saturday morning we left Reykjavik and headed out to commune with the natural elements of Iceland.

We passed some great sights — interesting.  Below, in the pictures with the tall rocks divided by a path is a place that is important for two reasons:  it was where the country’s first democratic parliament was founded over a thousand years ago.  Also, it is where the tectonic plates of Europe and America meet, causing the landscape to be torn with deep crevasses and canyons surrounded by lava that burst forward when the crust gave way to the power that moves underneath. (Yes, I did copy that last sentence 🙂

IMG_4088IMG_4095IMG_4098IMG_4099IMG_4101IMG_4113We like all the churches.  I think they use the same floor plan…but this one has better windows!!  Then — the geysers at Geysir.  I can’t do video, but the sights were amazing:



As interesting as that was, our next stop was the highlight of the day — I can’t even believe I signed us up for it — and that I did it.  We went on a snowmobile tour on a glacier.  I was partially terrified the entire time……and I had NO interest in driving.  John offered at the stop point and I refused. However, the scenery was beautiful — zooming around on top of the glacier with gorgeous mountains surrounding us!






By the way, we found out midway that Michael turned over his snowmobile ten minutes into the tour; we didn’t have any problem.  Next we had to have individual poses…..and then Michael and Kathryn drank the very pure water from the rivulets running everywhere.  Michael did it normally….then drank it like a dog — such a goofball 🙂



Seems like a lot for one day, but we weren’t done…..the route mandated that we stop next at the largest waterfall in Europe — and a magnificent one, as well — Gullfoss Waterfall.


Can you see the small rainbow in the above left corner?  You really can’t feel how magnificent this is, but it is!  I stopped at this level, but the other three walked down to the bottom of the viewing area and got some more great shots:

IMG_4210IMG_4213IMG_4214IMG_4222We made one more stop — at a very small, but complete crater, Kerid, and then stopped for a quick dinner and checked into our hotel.  We were thrilled that there was a hot tub.  We soaked awhile then hit the bed!!!


Sunday was great — we had no firm time arrangements to meet.  We slept in a little then took off to the east.  First stop was at the Seljalandsfoss Waterfall.  It is over 200 feet tall and has a path around it with a cave at the back — very unique.  John and the kids took the hike — John has on a light silver jacket — that’s how you’ll know it’s him.IMG_4229IMG_0023IMG_4238


I watched them walking and decided to take a couple of nature shots:

On our way east we passed an interesting rock formation and it turned out there were small houses built into the rock.  Quite unusual!


We moved on to the next waterfall — Skogafoss.  It’s one of the biggest in the country and here there is a path to climb to the top.  The kids climbed it; we saw them from below at the lookout, then they disappeared for awhile.  It turns out they saw a great hike…..and took it.  At some point after returning, Kathryn told me she had already done 8,000 steps and 77 flights of stairs!  Michael decided to take a rest at the top, but later told me it wasn’t that comfortable 🙂



We continued on our way toward the town of Vik.  After checking into our hotel, we drove to see a few more interesting things.  First is the unusual rock formation that has been featured on this season’s trailer for Game of Thrones.  Then it was on to the black sand beach — formed by the lava flows.  And, finally, we stopped to see the basalt columns at the edge of the beach.  All highlights!



And along the way we spotted the flowers above — they are lupine…..but they sure look like bluebonnets to me.  I googled it and they are in the same family.  Lupines come in lots of colors, but mainly purple in Iceland.


And the reward for a great day:


Let me stop for a minute and talk about how we are traveling.  John and I packed a large suitcase with half of it filled with snack food (the other side had our big coats).  We included a big jar of peanut butter and two kinds of crackers; this was our emergency food.  Sometimes it’s a snack; sometimes it’s lunch.  It depends on our timing and food availability.  There are also fiber bars, peanuts, goldfish, Oreos, M&M Peanuts, etc.  No junk food was forgotten!  Each of the four of us packed for the trip in the duffle bags we got last year — so smallish and squishy.  And inside the suitcase I packed a Costco cooler bag — huge.  The kids transferred some snacks to that and keep it in the back seat between them.  And after a couple of days, I emptied our two duffles into half of the suitcase, further making more space in the back of the Toyota Land Cruiser.

We also planned for not getting lost — we have a GPS that is SUPPOSED to get us anywhere.  It works most of the time, but we backstop it with Google Maps.  Amazing!  And we can use Google Maps because we sprung for an extra — a box that gives us wifi ALL THE TIME in and out of the car!  I did not want to hear “How much farther?”.  We have all enjoyed it; I worked on the blog some of the time.  But you have to look up because there is so much to see 🙂

Also, having my scooter has been really great.  We started out with it on the bottom and packed around; now we just put it on top in case we want to get it out during the day!

More later,



Author: brombergblog

I write blogs about the places my husband and I visit just to tell my family and friends about the trip and to show the pictures of what we visited.

One thought on “An Island Filled With Natural Phenomena!”

  1. As amazing as ALWAYS! I look forward to opening my email just to see the beauty. Thanks for sharing. I love and miss you all!


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