The Masai Mara – Richards River Camp

This blog was started while in Kenya, but time ran out for me getting it all done, so I am just now back at completing my blogs. More to come after this!

Hello Again All,

This is a highlight of the trip. The Mara is filled with wildlife and Richards River Camp is filled with wonderful things — from the accommodations to the food to the fabulous camp directors and employees. We loved every minute of it.

We met our two of our four guides:

Junior and Sidaras

As soon as our plane arrived we were off on a game drive…..and what a drive it was! We spotted our first kill — a lion was guarding a hippopotamus that he had killed.

The lions leave, the jackals take over.
The Hyenas are so ugly that they are cute!

Then we arrived at the camp:

On to an afternoon game drive and a sundowner!

My favorite dessert — Sticky Toffee Pudding!!! Cream added on the side.

The next morning we were off on another game drive and we were rewarded with a pride of lions with cubs.

Sorry if it’s too many; I just loved watching them play.

Of course we saw lots of other animals as well:

And we all really enjoyed our sundowner with a roaring fire:

In the morning we were off on another game drive:

Notice that it is COLD in the early morning. It will all come off before we get back.

Whispering Acacia has serious thorns!

We stopped for breakfast by a river full of hippos.
Cheetah on the prowl

We had a nice break back at camp for lunch and a little rest time.

Then we were back on the hunt for more animals. We were rewarded with a newborn giraffe.

We saw lots more animals but I don’t want to repeat. We had dinner outside in the bush with a big campfire.

It felt really cold the next morning; we were wrapping up in whatever we had with us.

I turned a silk scarf (brought to “dress up” at dinner) into an ear warmer!!!
Newborn blue jean topi (antelope) with mother.
Interesting sky!
Calder climbed on the Land Rover during our morning breakfast break
Trying to show how deep this gorge was — not sure you can tell.
Pretending to take a big bite of elephant dung — quickly to the hand sanitizer!!
A large turtle basking in the sun

The kids and grandkids visited a Masai village and school and danced and sang with them.

John and I joined them at the end — just in time to go shopping at the gift shop!

Making fire with Eli’s new fire making kit.

After lunch Evie braided my hair…..and then she braided Spence’s too.

Lots of more wonderful sightings on the afternoon drive:

Beautiful white flowers cropping up in the fields
Little yellow flowers out of nowhere
My favorite — the acacia tree — symbol of Africa

And, of course, a lot more wildlife, and with newborns:

We had another sundowner, but this day they fed the kids at the sundowner!

The benefit of feeding the young ones early — an adult and teenagers dinner….nice!

Calder was there, but asleep on the couch.

In the morning it was off to our next adventure…..but not before a few more photos! Sorry this was so long — there was a whole lot to get into the blog!

See you at our next stop,


Author: brombergblog

I write blogs about the places my husband and I visit just to tell my family and friends about the trip and to show the pictures of what we visited.

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