On to the Danube….

Hello from Germany and Austria

On Sunday we left Munich in our V-Class Mercedes 7-seater van – very comfortable – for our 90 mile trip to Vilhofsen, our departure port and home overnight.  

Our first view of the Danube

We arrived before the bus full of fellow passengers and were able to easily check-in and then have a little lunch on board. Tomi and I picked out our dining table for the trip, right on a window – lovely. And, our room is great, with amazing storage.

On that afternoon there was an Octoberfest Celebration — we had beer and big German pretzels and listened to some German music.

On Monday I had the worst day possible.  I was trying to get ready and I couldn’t find my makeup, hairbrushes or mirror.  I looked in every drawer, had John pull the suitcase and roll aboard back out from under the bed, and then asked him to look in every drawer and closet.  NOWHERE!!!!!

So we left for a quick walk to Vilhofsen-about 2 blocks from our ship.  I got about 100 feet from the ramp of the ship when I realized I needed the restroom.  So I turned around.  To be slightly delicate, I almost made it.  Nuff said – but not fun!

Meanwhile, John is waiting for me in Vilhofsen…..so I am hurrying.  As I rush to go out the door, I tear a huge  (2”) gash on my arm!  I dropped my purse and key on the floor to go for a bandage and Kleenex.  Again, I rush, but more carefully, out the door.  Then I realize I have left something in the room, but my key is on the floor inside.  So I go in search for housekeeping.  Once I get my key, the drama is over.  And Vilhofsen is a very lovely and quaint little town.  

John has by now located the shop and I go buy replacements for my missing items.  About $45 worth of makeup and brushes. Well, once back in our room, I discover that there are a row of drawers under the TV.  One of the drawers has a drawer inside of it.  Guess what?  There is all my stuff….  Too late, all my new purchases are unwrapped and we have left the dock!  

Here’s the good news – the day went uphill after that!!!  Our lunch on board was to be Bavarian and I thought, oh no, more sausage!!!  Fortunately, there was a prosciutto and cheese sandwich – I escaped!

I watched as the crew off-loaded the garbage.  It was pretty interesting:  they used a small barge connected to a rope to take piles of trash from the ship to the shore to the garbage truck!

That afternoon we visited Passau.  John, Bryan and I were in the “gentle” group – no stairs and not too quick of a pace.  Perfect!  A beautiful day and a very pretty town with possibly the most beautiful church I have ever seen – St. Stephans Cathedral.  It houses the largest pipe organ in Europe and there are five different organs, one above the church ceiling.

Confluence of three rivers

Then the cathedral, St. Stephan’s:

Tuesday was our visit to Salzburg.  I had been twice before and the weather forecast was 95% chance of rain.  I was planning to skip it.  However, when we awakened it was not raining and the forecast had reduced the chances considerably….so I went.

We stopped in Monsee, the village where the marriage was filmed in The Sound of Music.  Yet another quaint place!

It began to rain during our drive into Salzburg, but it stopped again before we arrived.  We had a walking tour around the old  town area, including the birthplace of Amadeus Mozart. His father was the conductor of the orchestra and our guide said Mozart was not so much of a genius as a hard worker.  The father made him practice every day for lots of hours!

Mozart was born in the room below the G
The main shopping street

Embarrassingly, John and I had lunch at the local McDonalds and shopped our way down the shopping street to some dark chocolate gelato.

We arrived a little early so we had a quick coffee stop — cappuccino for John and an Irish coffee for me. We were cold and wet by now!!!

On Wednesday, May 25th, we arrived in Melk, home of the Benedictine Abbey, originally founded in the Middle Ages and still a working abbey.

The pictures below show the Four Cardinal Virtues; the modern paintings have replaced the original ones which were fading and crumbling.

View of Melk

You were not allowed to take pictures inside but the group of 12 libraries was quite spectacular!

Inside the church John took a few illicit pictures:

And then we stopped for lunch aboard the ship. Since it was pouring, we opted for an afternoon nap instead of another small village.

We spotted the sights above as we cruised along the Danube.

It was a special dinner that night so we dressed up a little.

Sunshine just peeked out a little!

The weather was predicted to be sunny and clear in Vienna, where we had 2 excursions planned. But that’s another chapter.



Author: brombergblog

I write blogs about the places my husband and I visit just to tell my family and friends about the trip and to show the pictures of what we visited.

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